Google SpreadSheet – Magic xpi

How to handle Google SpreadSheet with Magic xpi using REST Google API

1/ Connect to Google Developer Console ( with your gmail account

2/ Create a new project « SpreadSheet »

3/ Choose APIs & services => Library and choose Sheets and enable it

4/ Choose credentials Define an OAuth client ID with type Desktop Application

You need to set the scope to : and

Keep the client Id and ClientSecret and the call Back URL (http://localhost)

5/ Check with Postman that you can interact with a Google Sheet.

Fill all the relevant informations to get the Access Token and execute a Put operation

6/ Define a REST Client resource in a magic xpi project

Call Back URL must be in our case : http://localhost

Fill the Client id and Client Secret.

Set the Authorization URL to :

Set the Access Token URL to :

Set the scope to :

Click on Access Token to acquire the Token

Sign with you gmail account then you will be redirected to a page and choose go to Spreadsheet at the bottom

And confirm the access

Define Paths that you want to interact with the API (use {} to use parameter)

You can use Google Workspace explorer ( Sheet API) to test and to get the different paths (

Google Sheet API specification can be found at$discovery/rest?version=v4

7/ To get a Google SpreadSheet, Drag and Drop a REST Client connector

Configure the connector to GET a SpreadSheet

Set {endpath} parameter to 1KSrbWrBezXI437ZgdJAozE8tssdj6OtRnJyimsBwRAw/values/A2%3AB (<sheetid>/values/<range>)

After flow execution, you should receive the result in a a json format

8/ To send data to a Google SpreadSheet

Build a json request in the format below (use a datamapper for this step)

{« values »: [[« ALEM », »JOHN »],[« DAVID », »ISNER »],[« MAHER », »METHENY »],[« ROSS », »HARRIS »]]}

Configure the REST Client connector for PUT operation and set {upload} parameter to 1KSrbWrBezXI437ZgdJAozE8tssdj6OtRnJyimsBwRAw/values/A2%3AB (<sheetid>/values/<range>)

Pass the Blob Json request to DataBlob

You should receive this type of JSON response

9/ To clear data, do a POST with this parameter in the URL<SpreadSheetId>/values/<Range>:clear

with empty json {}

example fill the {endpath} parameter with : 1KSrbWrBezXI437ZgdJAozE8tssdj6OtRnJyimsBwRAw/values/A4%3AB:clear

and leave the DataBlob empty

10/ Relevant links$discovery/rest?version=v4

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