Nom de l’auteur/autrice :Saâd Alem

Copilot Agent – Magic xpi Overview

Goal 1 : Interact with Magic xpi using copilot prompt in natural language via a specialized declarative agent Prerequisites : 1/ Open your Magic xpi Studio Create an HTTP trigger with 1 method (GetOrderDetail) with 1 argument (OrderNum) 2/ Design a Flow that retrieves the detail of the order according to OrderNum parameter and answers […]

Copilot Agent – Magic xpi Overview Lire la suite »

Azure Devops – Git – Magic xpi

Goal : How to git your magic xpi project and connect it to AzureDevops Prerequisites : 1/ Check that you can have access to your azure devops organization Try to access<organization name> If you are already logged with your microsoft account, the first time it will ask you to create your organization. You can

Azure Devops – Git – Magic xpi Lire la suite »

OpenTelemetry – Magicxpi – Elasticsearch

Goal : Send Magicxpi ActivityLog to OpenTelemetryCollector and export it to Elastic Cloud to build Dashboard with Kibana Prerequisites : 1/ OpenTelemetry Installation and configuration Follow the steps on this link Quick start | OpenTelemetry 2/ On windows, Set a correct time zone in your « values.yaml » of your IMM (<Magicxpi Installation>\InMemoryMiddleware\deploy) and deploy your IMM.

OpenTelemetry – Magicxpi – Elasticsearch Lire la suite »

Salesforce commerce cloud – Magic xpi

Goal : Search, Update order with Magic xpi using salesforce commerce REST API (OCAPI vs SCAPI) 1/ Salesforce Commerce Cloud REST API works with FrontEnd Token and BackEnd Token (OCAPI open commerce API) Front End Token needs the information below Check with Postman that you get the token You must send in the body (format

Salesforce commerce cloud – Magic xpi Lire la suite »

D365FO – Magic xpi: How to use DMF ImportFromPackage using REST API

5 import API has been provided by Microsoft to help customer to integration third part solution or data migration. Goal : We are going to focus , in this article, on the Execution of an ImportFromPackage in D365FO with DMF REST API and check the result 1/ To start with import you need to create

D365FO – Magic xpi: How to use DMF ImportFromPackage using REST API Lire la suite »

servicenow – Magic xpi

Goal : Get, Create Incident with Magic xpi using servicenow REST API Prerequisites : 1/ Create your servicenow instance ( and verify that your user has admin role in other to be able to access Application registry on your instance 2/ Create an Application OAuth Log in to your servicenow instance with your admin user

servicenow – Magic xpi Lire la suite »

Hadoop – Magic xpi

Goal : Handle Hadoop with Magic xpi using Hadoop REST API (Put and Delete file) 1/ Download and install Hadoop 2.9.1 to C:\bigdata\hadoop-2.9.1 ( 2/ Set JAVA_HOME to jdk1.8.0_221 (example : c:\progra~1\java\jdk1.8.0_221) Set HADOOP_BIN to <hadoop installation directory>\bin (example : C:\bigdata\hadoop-2.9.1\bin ) Set HADOOP_BIN_PATH to <hadoop installation directory>\bin Set HADOOP_HOME <hadoop installation directory> (example :

Hadoop – Magic xpi Lire la suite »

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