Microsoft Teams – Magic xpi : Send Chat message using Microsoft Graph REST API

Goal : Send Microsoft Teams Chat message from Magic xpi using Microsoft Graph API

1/ Define Authorization "ChatMessage.Send" under Microsoft Graph API in Azure Portal (Delegate authorization is mandatory)

2/ Get the conversation id from the Teams URL

(*) if you dont see the id in the URL, disable “Nouveau Teams” (“New teams”)

(**) Or you can do this

Open Microsoft NEW Teams and navigate to the chat you want to get the Chat ID for.

Click on the three dots (…) next to one of the message . and copy the link and past on your note pad

3/ Check that you can send a message using Postman with your credentials

Fill the Authorization TabControl with all relevant information (clientid, secret, …)

The URL must be in the format :<conversation id>/messages

exemple :

Set the json body with : {“body”: {“content”: “<text message>”}}

Check that the reponse is 201 Created

4/ Define a REST Magic xpi Resource with OAuth2 and press the “Access Token” Button

Verify that you can get an access token and verify that the refresh token is available.

5/ Define a path on the Magic xpi Resource by pressing “Paths” button

The path must be in the format : /chats/{id}/messages

where {id} corresponds to the teams conversation id

6/ Drag & Drop a REST Client component to make a Post on /chats/{id}/messages

set the conversation id

set the DataBlob with the Json Message

That’s all Folks.

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