Magic xpi

Magic xpi

D365FO – Magic xpi: How to use DMF ImportFromPackage using REST API

5 import API has been provided by Microsoft to help customer to integration third part solution or data migration. Goal : We are going to focus , in this article, on the Execution of an ImportFromPackage in D365FO with DMF REST API and check the result 1/ To start with import you need to create

D365FO – Magic xpi: How to use DMF ImportFromPackage using REST API Lire la suite »

servicenow – Magic xpi

Goal : Get, Create Incident with Magic xpi using servicenow REST API Prerequisites : 1/ Create your servicenow instance ( and verify that your user has admin role in other to be able to access Application registry on your instance 2/ Create an Application OAuth Log in to your servicenow instance with your admin user

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Hadoop – Magic xpi

Goal : Handle Hadoop with Magic xpi using Hadoop REST API (Put and Delete file) 1/ Download and install Hadoop 2.9.1 to C:\bigdata\hadoop-2.9.1 ( 2/ Set JAVA_HOME to jdk1.8.0_221 (example : c:\progra~1\java\jdk1.8.0_221) Set HADOOP_BIN to <hadoop installation directory>\bin (example : C:\bigdata\hadoop-2.9.1\bin ) Set HADOOP_BIN_PATH to <hadoop installation directory>\bin Set HADOOP_HOME <hadoop installation directory> (example :

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Azure Storage – Magic xpi Native connector

Goal : Handle Azure Blob Container with a Native Magic xpi connector 1/Prerequisites Install Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer (* optional) to check the connection with your Azure EndPoint – Account Name – Account Key All credentials (AccountName, Account Key) can be found in “Primary Connection String” (“Chaine de connexion principale” in french :-)) 2/ Download

Azure Storage – Magic xpi Native connector Lire la suite »

Google SpreadSheet – Magic xpi

How to handle Google SpreadSheet with Magic xpi using REST Google API 1/ Connect to Google Developer Console ( with your gmail account 2/ Create a new project “SpreadSheet” 3/ Choose APIs & services => Library and choose Sheets and enable it 4/ Choose credentials Define an OAuth client ID with type Desktop Application You

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Office365 – Magic xpi – Read Mail using Microsoft Graph

Describe the different steps for connecting Magic xpi with Office365 using REST Microsoft Graph API 1/ Define in Azure Portal An app registration and add permission for Office365 via Microsoft Graph Retrieve the ClientId, ClientSecret, TenantId in other to define this settings in the Magic xpi Resource Repository 2/ Open the Resource repository in Magic

Office365 – Magic xpi – Read Mail using Microsoft Graph Lire la suite »

SharePoint Online Graph API – Magic xpi: How to Get the Content list of a SharePoint folder ,download files locally , upload Files and Retrieve Data from List using REST Microsoft Graph API

Describe the different steps for connecting Magic xpi with SharepointOnline using REST Microsoft Graph API 1/ Define in Azure Portal An app registration and add permission for Sharepoint through Microsoft Graph 2/ Check that you can have access via Postman 3/ Define a REST Client Resource in Magic xpi Studio 4/ Define 2 Paths /{list}

SharePoint Online Graph API – Magic xpi: How to Get the Content list of a SharePoint folder ,download files locally , upload Files and Retrieve Data from List using REST Microsoft Graph API Lire la suite »

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