Magic xpi

Magic xpi

Google SpreadSheet – Magic xpi

How to handle Google SpreadSheet with Magic xpi using REST Google API 1/ Connect to Google Developer Console ( with your gmail account 2/ Create a new project “SpreadSheet” 3/ Choose APIs & services => Library and choose Sheets and enable it 4/ Choose credentials Define an OAuth client ID with type Desktop Application You […]

Google SpreadSheet – Magic xpi Lire la suite »

Office365 – Magic xpi – Read Mail using Microsoft Graph

Describe the different steps for connecting Magic xpi with Office365 using REST Microsoft Graph API 1/ Define in Azure Portal An app registration and add permission for Office365 via Microsoft Graph Retrieve the ClientId, ClientSecret, TenantId in other to define this settings in the Magic xpi Resource Repository 2/ Open the Resource repository in Magic

Office365 – Magic xpi – Read Mail using Microsoft Graph Lire la suite »

SharePoint Online Graph API – Magic xpi: How to Get the Content list of a SharePoint folder ,download files locally , upload Files and Retrieve Data from List using REST Microsoft Graph API

Describe the different steps for connecting Magic xpi with SharepointOnline using REST Microsoft Graph API 1/ Define in Azure Portal An app registration and add permission for Sharepoint through Microsoft Graph 2/ Check that you can have access via Postman 3/ Define a REST Client Resource in Magic xpi Studio 4/ Define 2 Paths /{list}

SharePoint Online Graph API – Magic xpi: How to Get the Content list of a SharePoint folder ,download files locally , upload Files and Retrieve Data from List using REST Microsoft Graph API Lire la suite »

Magic xpi and KEYCLOAK IAM for RESTFulAPI with OAuth2

Goal : Configure OAuth2 Authentication for Magic xpi RESTful API Service using KeyCloak Identity Access Management Prerequisites : 1/ keyCloak Server Installation Download and unzip keycloak server install java version “17.0.11” 2024-04-16 LTS Start Keycloak server (Dev environment) : kc start-dev Browse : http://localhost:8080 and create Admin user 2/ Keycloak settings Create Realm for Magic

Magic xpi and KEYCLOAK IAM for RESTFulAPI with OAuth2 Lire la suite »

Microsoft Teams – Magic xpi : Send Chat message using Microsoft Graph REST API

Goal : Send Microsoft Teams Chat message from Magic xpi using Microsoft Graph API 1/ Define Authorization “ChatMessage.Send” under Microsoft Graph API in Azure Portal (Delegate authorization is mandatory) 2/ Get the conversation id from the Teams URL (*) if you dont see the id in the URL, disable “Nouveau Teams” (“New teams”) (**) Or

Microsoft Teams – Magic xpi : Send Chat message using Microsoft Graph REST API Lire la suite »

SharePoint Online – Magic xpi: How to Get the Content list of a SharePoint folder and download files locally using REST Sharepoint API

Describe the different steps for connecting Magic xpi with SharepointOnline using REST Sharepoint API (*) (*) Sharepoint can be accessed also via REST Microsoft Graph API (not described in this post) Goal : Download files from Sharepoint Online Folder 1/ Check that you can call REST Sharepoint Online API using Postman with your credentials Send

SharePoint Online – Magic xpi: How to Get the Content list of a SharePoint folder and download files locally using REST Sharepoint API Lire la suite »

Azure Storage – Magic xpi : How to Get the Content list of a Blob Container and Download BlockBlobs locally using REST API

Goal : List a container blob storage and download and save each content (blockblob) in a file locally Describe the different steps for connecting Magic xpi with Azure Storage using REST API 1/ Check that you can call the Azure Storage REST API using Postman with your credentials using Shared Key (*) Instead of Shared

Azure Storage – Magic xpi : How to Get the Content list of a Blob Container and Download BlockBlobs locally using REST API Lire la suite »

AzureAD – Magic xpi: How to Get AzureAD User List and manage Users using Microsoft Graph REST API

Describe the different steps for connecting Magic xpi with AzureAD using REST API 1/ Check that you get OAuth2 token from login.microsoftonline using Postman (*) client_id, clientsecret, resource, tenantid, callback URL and scope are retrieved from azure portal ( (**) Check the API permissions 2/Check that you can get the Users List from Postman 2/

AzureAD – Magic xpi: How to Get AzureAD User List and manage Users using Microsoft Graph REST API Lire la suite »

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